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Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body
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Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body

Date:9/29/2023 - 1/14/2024


Where:Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Picasso

Pablo Picasso worked with sculpture practically since the beginning of his long artistic career, as for the Málaga born artist sculpture did not have a secondary status in his production: it was a form of expression comparable to painting, drawing, engraving or ceramics, since there are no major or minor arts, but only diverse languages and materials to express different aspects of creation.

The body, the ultimate goal of representation and Picasso’s main instrument throughout his career, constitutes the fundamental pillar of this exhibition.

The selection of sculptures in Picasso. Matter and Body will cover the almost infinite plurality of styles used by the artist to represent human body forms, deconstructing it through different formats and genres, to construct it again in a new matter, for which he indistinctly used all the possible means and objects within his reach, integrating them into an unprecedented group of sculptures.

Julio González situated Picasso’s sculptural view in the genesis of all his work: “I have often observed that there is no way to be indifferent. He always watches, at all times, because all shapes represent something to him, and he sees everything as a sculptor . . . . In my opinion, the mysterious side, the neuralgic center, if we can call it that way, of Picasso’s work is in the ‘Sculpture’ that has given so much talk about his work and that has given him so much glory.”

Further information

Museo Guggenheim Bilbao

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